The Constitution and Bylaws of the Bellaire/Braeswood Democrats
Adopted February 6, 2001 / Amended November 15, 2005 /Amended May 21, 2016 / Amended May, 2019
The name of the organization shall be “Bellaire/Braeswood Democrats”.
ARTICLE II – Objectives and Purposes
To support and promote the Democratic Party at all levels of government.
The exertion of influence on the Democratic Party to continue its historic role as a party that promotes social justice, the local, state and national interest, and the needs of all the people.
To keep the Bellaire and Braeswood area communities informed of the Democratic Party and its principles. For example, through political rallies, qualified speakers on current events or happenings, letters to the editor, telephone banks, block walking, and a newsletter to interested citizens and voters.
Bellaire/Braeswood Democrats will concentrate its activities primarily in Harris County Voter Precincts 128, 182, 214, 215 and 268 (located in the Bellaire area), and 017, 018, 175, 224, 232, 350, 891, 931 and 933 (located in the Braeswood area) in cooperation with the Harris County Democratic Party and the Democratic Precinct Chairs for these Bellaire/Braeswood precincts.
ARTICLE III – Members and Dues
All persons at least age sixteen (16) years who are Democrats and/or interested in the Democratic Party and its principles are eligible for membership in the organization. The membership is for those who reside in the Bellaire and Braeswood areas, but all others are welcome to join. Membership dues shall be set by the Executive Committee, approved by the general membership, and made a part of the Bylaws. Payment of dues shall be required to maintain an individual membership in good standing. Dues shall be payable annually, and shall be payable by June 1 of each year. Each member in good standing shall be entitled to one vote. Dues paid by new members on or after May 1 will be considered as covering membership for the following membership year.
ARTICLE IV – Officers and Executive Committee
Bellaire/Braeswood Democrats shall have the following officers:
– President
– First Vice President
– Second Vice President
– Secretary
– Treasurer
– PAC Campaign Treasurer
– Parliamentarian and Sergeant-at-Arms (ex-officio/nonvoting)
To be eligible to serve as an officer, a person must have become a dues paying member at least three months before the organization’s election. Effective 2005, the term of each office shall be two years, beginning June 1 of odd- numbered years and ending May 31 of the subsequent odd-numbered year, or until a successor is elected. Elections shall be held at the regular Spring meeting of the organization in odd-numbered years. Vacancies shall be filled for any unexpired term by election of members present and voting at the next regular membership meeting.
The foregoing named officers shall constitute the Executive Committee of the Bellaire/Braeswood Democrats. The function of the Executive Committee shall be the maintenance of a continuous program activity and education. In addition, the Executive Committee shall be responsible for the development and fundraising activities to maintain the programs of the organization, and any other functions as provided in the Bylaws. The Executive Committee shall coordinate with any appointed committees to ensure that notices, communication, and publicity about the organization and its activities are effectively disseminated to members and others.
ARTICLE V – Duties of Officers
The President shall preside at all meetings and be the official spokesperson for the Executive Committee and for the organization. The President shall create committees as needed and shall appoint their members and chairpersons, with the consent of the Executive Committee. The President shall have the power to call special meetings. The President shall be the official spokesperson at all meetings or gatherings with other Democratic organizations, Democratic officeholders, and/or candidates seeking office.
The First Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President.
The Second Vice President presides in the absence of both the President and the First Vice President.
The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings and be prepared to report those minutes at the next scheduled meeting if requested by the President. The Secretary shall make such records available to all officers as requested. The Secretary shall additionally be responsible for coordinating publicity for the organization through newsletters and/or in the media.
The Treasurer shall receive and deposit all moneys of the organization and shall record all financial transactions and report them to the Executive Committee and the general membership. Membership dues received by the Treasurer shall determine active membership status and the Treasurer shall supervise the accuracy of membership records. The Treasurer shall additionally be appointed by the President to be the Treasurer of the Bellaire/Braeswood Democrats Political Action Committee and be responsible for filing all reports by law with the Texas Ethics Commission.
The PAC Campaign Treasurer shall be appointed by the President and is responsible for filing all reports by law with the Texas Ethics Commission.
The Parliamentarian/Sergeant-at-Arms shall help keep order at the meetings, as may be needed, and use Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised, to make sure proper parliamentary procedures are maintained during all meetings when requested by the President. The Parliamentarian/Sergeant-at-Arms is appointed by the President, and is a non-voting member of the Executive Committee.
ARTICLE VI – Meetings
Bellaire/Braeswood Democrats shall meet at least quarterly. Special meetings may be called by the President with the consent of the Executive Committee. A quorum comprised of a minimum of five members, excluding the Executive Committee, shall be required to conduct business. Effective 2005, the meeting to elect officers shall be held in the Spring of odd-numbered years.
ARTICLE VII – Amendments
This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at a meeting, provided the proposed amendment has been read as a proposed amendment at the previous business meeting.
Bylaws not in conflict with the Constitution shall be adopted by a majority vote of the members present and voting at a meeting.
ARTICLE VIII – Parliamentary Authority
The most current edition of Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern unless otherwise provided in this Constitution and Bylaws. This Constitution and Bylaws shall take effect upon adoption by a two-thirds vote of those in attendance at a mass meeting of the membership.
ARTICLE IX – Dissolution
If, at any time, this club shall be dissolved, no part of the funds or property shall be distributed to or among its members; but after payment of all indebtedness of the club, its surplus funds and properties shall be donated to the Harris County Democratic Party or another club associated with the Harris County Democratic Party.
Membership dues for Bellaire/Braeswood Democrats shall be from $5 to $15 per person per year, and from $5 to $25 per household per year, based on ability to pay, and shall convey the full privileges of membership to all eligible members of the household whose names are provided on the membership form. Membership year for dues will be June 1 through May 31.
The Bellaire/Braeswood Democrats organization shall not officially endorse any candidate for a Primary Election to public office or endorse a position on an election measure.
The Bellaire/Braeswood Democrats organization shall report all funds raised and disbursed by it as required by law for political action committees by the State of Texas.